Park Requests Information Regarding Chimney Tops 2 Fire

The National Park Service Investigative Branch Services (IBS) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) continue to investigate the origin of the Chimney Tops 2 fire. The cause of the fire near the summit on Chimney Tops appears to be human caused. The park is asking for assistance from the public to gather information.

The park is requesting that every person who hiked, or knew someone who hiked, the Chimney Tops Trail on Wednesday, November 23, to contact the investigative team to respond to a series of questions that will help provide much–needed information. Hikers can contact the investigators through any of the following means: Calling the Tip Line at 1-888-653-0009; sending an email to the Tip Line at; sending a tweet to @SpecialAgentNPS, or filling out an online tip form at

Also: Fire officials are getting reports from lots of folks who are seeing smoke. Officials said they expected smoke within the fire footprint. However, if you see smoke in areas outside the fire perimeter, please call 865-407-0025, or email at, to report any new fires.


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