Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Region Seeks Volunteers

Over the last 24 hours the Chimney Tops 2 Fire Facebook page has published information on ways you can volunteer your time to help the victims of the wildfires. Here are two ways you can help:

* Want to help Great Smoky Mountains National Park recover?? Please give them a few days to get back to work, but then give them a call and offer to Volunteer? Call 865-436-1265, or send an email to Adam Monroe at

* Interested in volunteering to help others? Our partners in Pigeon Forge sent us this link:

If you wish to donate money, WBIR has published some detailed information on how you can help fire evacuees - please click here for the most up-to-date information. Knox News also has an updated list of ways to help.

The great news this morning is that it's raining right now, and appears to be an all day event!


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