U.S. Mint to Launch Shenandoah National Park Quarter

Back in January the U.S. Mint launched a new quarter honoring Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Next month will be Shenandoah National Park's turn to be honored by a quarter in a series known as the America the Beautiful Quarters™ Program.

The Shenandoah coin will be the second of five new United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters for 2014. It will also be the twenty-second for the program that started in 2010, which will see a total of 56 new strikes during its eleven year run. Arches, Great Sand Dunes and Everglades national parks will be the other three parks honored throughout the rest of the year.

An issuing ceremony will be held at Skyline High School in Front Royal, VA on the morning of April 4th. The director of the U.S. Mint will be on hand, and people will be able to purchase uncirculated quarters at the public event.



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