North Carolina State Parks actively seeking volunteers for 2014

North Carolina’s state parks are actively seeking volunteers to help protect the state’s rich natural resources and serve an expected 14 million visitors this year, according to the N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation.

At all 40 state parks and state recreation areas, volunteers serve in many capacities including campground hosts, visitor center aids, trail workers and special events coordinators, and they provide manpower for specials projects involving tree planting, habitat improvement, inventory of rare species and environmental education.

“Throughout our 98-year history, citizen volunteers have been critical partners of our state parks,” said Carol Tingley, acting state parks director. “Together, state parks and their volunteers demonstrate strong stewardship and build stronger communities with a conservation ethic.”

Anyone interested in volunteering can contact a nearby park through the division’s website or contact the division’s volunteer coordinator at 919-707-9346 or .


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