Find Your Virtual Park During National Park Week April 18-26

Celebrate National Park Week from April 18 through 26 with fun and innovative digital experiences. While parked at home, journey to national parks through a variety of online activities including virtual tours, scavenger hunts, trivia contests and junior ranger programs.

“Although much has changed in recent weeks, an assortment of fun and engaging digital National Park Week events can help people connect to our shared heritage and natural landscapes,” said David Vela, National Park Service Deputy Director, exercising the authority of the Director.

To preview the celebration of National Park Week, the National Park Service and National Park Foundation will host a Twitter chat on April 16 at 1:00 PM EDT. Join the conversation and share favorite memories, tips and stories about national parks using the hashtags #FindYourPark and #NationalParkWeek. From April 16 through 26, a special limited-time park ranger emoji will appear with the use of these hashtags, in addition to #FindYourVirtualPark and #EncuentraTuParque on Twitter.

“Knowing that national parks can provide a source of comfort and strength, the National Park Foundation is focused on bringing the beauty and wonder of parks to people digitally during National Park Week,” said National Park Foundation President and CEO Will Shafroth.

The Find Your Virtual Park page on provides resources that feature the sights and sounds of parks, games, videos, webcams and kid-friendly activities. The National Park Foundation offers a series of virtual escapes as well as suggestions for home-based park experiences.

In addition, each day of National Park Week will highlight a specific theme:

Saturday, April 18: Junior Ranger Day

Sunday, April 19: Volunteer Day

Monday, April 20: Military Monday

Tuesday, April 21: Transportation Tuesday

Wednesday, April 22: Earth Day

Thursday, April 23: Throwback Thursday

Friday, April 24: Friendship Friday

Saturday, April 25: Park Rx Day

Sunday, April 26: Bark Ranger Day

For more information, please visit and

I'll be taking part on Twitter all week if you wish to follow me.


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