TN State Parks Seeks Volunteers For Annual Weed Wrangle March 7

Tennessee State Parks and community partners are seeking volunteers to help rid the parks and State Natural Areas of invasive species with the annual Weed Wrangle on Saturday, March 7.

Most of the state parks and the Sequatchie Cave State Natural Area are participating. The Weed Wrangle is part of a national effort to remove invasive plants from public spaces. State and community experts in invasive weed management will supervise the removal of trees, vines, and flowering plants while volunteers learn ways to address their own green spaces to combat invasive species.

Examples of the efforts in the Weed Wrangle at state parks this year include removing privet at Fort Loudon State Historic Park; weeding and grooming flower beds at Frozen Head State Park; eradicating Ailanthus, better known as tree of heaven, at Hiwassee/Ocoee Scenic River State Park; removing garlic mustard at Warriors’ Path State Park; removing invasive plant species from the Millennium Trail at Edgar Evins State Park; removing bush honeysuckle from Henry Horton State Park; removing privet at Paris Landing State Park, and removing autumn olive and privet at Panther Creek State Park.

Radnor Lake State Park will hold its Weed Wrangle on Friday, March 6 and Saturday, March 7.

Workers are encouraged to wear appropriate work attire, including closed-toe shoes, and bring water and sunscreen. The Weed Wrangle can be used by Tennessee Promise students for community service credit.

Further information can be found at


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