Phase 1 of the Trillium Gap Trail Rehabilitation Project is nearing completion!
Great Smoky Mountains National Park has announced that the first phase of the Trillium Gap Trail Rehabilitation Project will be completed later this week. On their Facebook page this morning, the park stated that Thursday, November 14th, will be the last day of the closure for the 2019 season. According to the post:
The rehabilitation project is supported by Friends of the Smokies, a nonprofit partner of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. For more information about Friends of the Smokies visit:
For information regarding the Smokies Trails Forever Program and Volunteering with Trails, please visit:

Ramble On: A History of Hiking
The first phase of the project focused on the rehabilitation of the trail starting from the Trillium Gap Trailhead up to Grotto Falls. The project involved the removal of hazard trees along the trail corridor, the restoration of the trail tread, and the construction of new stone and timber structures to help combat erosion and provide a safer, more sustainable trail. The work was performed by the Smokies Trails Forever Crew, along with an ACE AmeriCorps Crew. The photo below shows a side-by-side comparison of the trail approaching Grotto Falls (photo courtesy of Great Smoky Mountains National Park):
Phase 2 of the project will begin in the spring of 2020. During the second phase, the upper section of the trail from Grotto Falls to Mt. LeConte is expected to be closed from mid-May through mid-November. The actual dates for the closure will be announced next spring. The lower part of trail from the Trillium Gap Trailhead up to Grotto Falls will remain OPEN throughout the closure, providing visitors access to the falls.
The rehabilitation project is supported by Friends of the Smokies, a nonprofit partner of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. For more information about Friends of the Smokies visit:
For information regarding the Smokies Trails Forever Program and Volunteering with Trails, please visit:

Ramble On: A History of Hiking