Cades Cove Loop Road Opening Delayed until 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 3

Great Smoky Mountains National Park officials remind park visitors that access to Cades Cove will be delayed on Sunday, November 3 until 11:00 a.m. for the annual Cades Cove Loop Lope. The event is held on an early morning in November to minimize disturbance to visitors for this once-a-year opportunity for pre-registered participants to run either a 10-mile or 5-K loop course in support of the park.

The park granted approval for the park’s philanthropic partner, Friends of the Smokies, to host this unique event to support the park under a Special Park Use permit. To accommodate parking for the event, access to the Cades Cove area is restricted at the Townsend Wye until 11:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, which is traditionally a period of lower visitation to the area. Registered Cades Cove campers, Tremont program participants, and event participants with a parking pass must show registration documents for access beyond this point.

For more information regarding temporary road closures, please visit the park website at

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