Noah Bud Ogle Cabin and Nature Trail Temporary Closure

Great Smoky Mountains National Park officials announced a temporary, weekday closure of the Noah Bud Ogle Cabin, Noah Bud Ogle Nature Trail, and associated parking area to allow crews to make needed cabin repairs. The area will be closed August 26 through September 12 on Monday mornings at 7:00 a.m. through Thursday evenings at 5:30 p.m. weekly. The area will be fully open each week on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and on federal holidays.

The Noah Bud Ogle cabin is located on Cherokee Orchard Road near Gatlinburg, TN. The cabin, barn, and tub mill are preserved along a mile-long nature trail. The unique cabin design joins two structures together by a common chimney. Crews will be making much-needed repairs to the chimney.

For more information on road and trail closures, please visit the park website at

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