Nantahala Gorge is Closed After Landslides

The Jackson County Rescue Squad posted this blurb about a massive landslide in the Nantahala Gorge on their Facebook page last night. The landslide occurred near where N.C. 28 joins U.S. 19/74 near Bryson City in Swain County:

Two large landslides have trapped over 20-30 civilians and responders between slides...and currently working on an evac plan... no one trapped in debris. Rescue crews are advising the river has been choked down to 10 wide in these spots and Duke Energy is shutting down the river. NC HWY 74/19 will be shutdown for several days possibly while crews remove debris and assess for potential hazards. Avoid the area!!!
Since that posting the vehicles that were trapped have been able to get out. However, according to the NCDOT Twitter feed, as of this morning:
Operations will continue at least into Tuesday. A detour has been established. Westbound vehicles will take N.C. 28 West to N.C. 143 South to N.C. 129 South U.S. 19/74.

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