2019 Cumberland Trail Work Day

Tennessee Citizens for Wilderness Planning (TCWP) and Obed Wild and Scenic River will be hosting the annual Cumberland Trail work day on Saturday, February 16.

Volunteers should meet at Rock Creek Campground at 10:00 AM (ET). Trail maintenance will be performed on the 2.5-mile section of the Cumberland Trail between Rock Creek Campground and Alley Ford. This section was adopted by TCWP in 1998.

Participants should wear sturdy shoes or boots and bring work gloves, shovels, loppers, clippers, and small bow saws or folding saws (NO CHAINSAWS). Some hand tools will be available at the event. Volunteers should bring clothing appropriate for weather conditions, and plenty of water, snacks, and a lunch. Also sunscreen and bug spray may be needed.

The work day should finish at the Rock Creek Campground trailhead at 3:00 PM (ET).

In the event of inclement weather, the event will be rescheduled for Saturday, February 23


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