Entire Blue Ridge Parkway To Close Ahead of Hurricane Florence

On Friday September 14, 2018, the entire 469-mile Blue Ridge Parkway and all associated facilities, with the exception of the Pisgah Inn and Peaks of Otter Lodge, will be closed at 8:00 p.m. in anticipation of high winds and heavy rains due to the remnants of Hurricane Florence. Saturated soils in combination with high winds in these areas increase the risk of rock slide and falling trees and debris. This closure will remain in effect until further notice.

• Access to Pisgah Inn will be via US-276 only. No access via the Parkway from the north will be available.

• Access to Peaks of Otter Lodge will be via VA-43 only. No access to Peaks of Otter Lodge via the Parkway from the north will be available.

During this closure, all scheduled ranger programs and special events and uses are cancelled. This includes concerts at Humpback Rocks, Roanoke Mountain and Mabry Mill as well as the Overmountain Victory Celebration at the Museum of NC Minerals.

During the closure these sections of Parkway are closed to ALL use, including cyclists and pedestrians. Attempts to route around gates and barriers is prohibited. The public’s cooperation with these closures is important to the safety of our visitors and emergency responders, as well as the protection of Parkway resources.

Updates and information regarding the status of park facilities, including the road itself, will be available on multiple platforms, including the Parkway’s Real Time Road Map, the Parkway’s website, and its Twitter and Facebook pages. Park visitors and neighbors are encouraged to check these sites regularly for information and before heading out to the Parkway.


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