Blue Ridge Parkway Recruiting Volunteers for Spring Campground Clean-up

The National Park Service is excited to announce Project Parkway - Campground Cleanup on Saturday, April 21, 2018. The goal of this first-of-its-kind event is to rally Parkway lovers, volunteers, partners and staff to prepare all 8 of the Parkway's campgrounds for the May opening during a single morning of dedicated service in celebration of National Park Week. This single-day volunteer project will help complete much needed work across the park and is ideal for people interested in learning more about the park through hands-on service.

Each location will provide tasks appropriate for a wide range of ages including students, scout troops, civic organizations, visitors, families, and retirees. Projects may be anything from leaf blowing and limb clearing to painting or basic trail work. Volunteer projects will begin at 9 a.m. and last until noon at most locations. Each project will be followed by lunch with staff provided by the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation and Friends of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

“It is support in the form of partnerships and donations of time by those who love the Parkway that make projects like this one possible,” said park Superintendent J.D. Lee. “ We are excited to meet new Parkway enthusiasts and proud to have the support of Friends of the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation on this special day.” Tools and safety gear, including gloves and high visibility safety vests, will be provided on site.

If you are interested in participating please contact Project Manager, Natalie Lester, at 828-348-3419 or by April 6, 2018.


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