Tips Sought for Recent Fire at Historic Cabins in Elkmont

Special Agents with the National Park Service Investigative Services Branch (ISB) are seeking witnesses who may have information about a recent human-caused fire that damaged cabins in the Elkmont Historic District of Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

US Park Rangers responded to an initial report of the fire at about 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 29, 2017. The damaged cabins are located in the area of the park known as Daisy Town and are among those closed to the public and slated for rehabilitation.

This investigation is ongoing and no additional details are available at this time. Please contact us if you have information that could help investigators, or if you may have observed activity leading to this human-caused fire during the early morning hours of November 29. You don't have to tell us who you are, but please tell us what you know:

• CALL or TEXT the ISB Tip Line at 888-653-0009

• ONLINE at and click “Submit a Tip”


• MESSAGE on Facebook @InvestigativeServicesNPS or Twitter @SpecialAgentNPS


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