Cherokee National Forest Warns of High Wind and Rain Over Next Dew Days

USDA Forest Service officials say that Tropical Storm Nate may impact the Cherokee National Forest after it makes landfall. Depending on the intensity of the storm and which path it takes, high winds and considerable rain are probable.

Excessive rain and high wind have the potential to create high water, flash floods, falling trees, mudslides, and severe damage to roads. Much of the Cherokee National Forest is heavily forested, remote and mountainous, making the potential for hazardous conditions significant.

Due to these potential hazards, national forest visitors should pay close attention to weather reports and be prepared to cut their visit short. Anyone planning a visit to the national forest should seriously consider postponing their visit until the threat of Nate in this area diminishes.

Low laying areas are especially vulnerable to rapidly rising and swift water. These areas should be avoided during and after major storm events. Trees falling and large limbs breaking off are not uncommon occurrences during windy conditions. Excessive rain can severely damage or wash out gravel/dirt roads in the national forest.

With the uncertainty of the extent of impacts from the storm and the potential for hazardous conditions, national forest visitors are urged to take necessary safety precautions and to be aware of changing conditions.


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