Get Wilderness First Aid Certification – Support Shenandoah National Park Trust

Want to be confident you’ll be able to handle an injury or emergency on the trail? Wilderness First Aid Certification is an excellent way to gain the skills you’ll need.

MEDIC SOLO Disaster + Wilderness Medical School certifies hundreds of hikers every year. If you register for their Saturday, January 7 class in Charlottesville, Virginia, MEDIC will donate 10% of your registration fee to the Shenandoah National Park Trust.

Topics include: patient examination and assessment; sprains, strains and fractures; cuts and lacerations; bites, stings, blisters and burns; allergic reactions; shock; and more. A portion of the training also covers disaster first aid.

No prerequisites required. The course is suitable for adults and mature youths age 12+. Upon completion, participants will receive 2-year SOLO WFA certification. (The course also counts as re-certification for WFA, AWFA, WFR and the wilderness component of W-EMT.)

The course blends classroom instruction with hands-on rescue scenario practices. It is approved by the Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA and American Camping Association. Details and registration are here:


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