Rock Castle Gorge Trail Reopens

Blue Ridge Parkway managers reopened Rock Castle Gorge Trail today, after its closure for nearly a year following extensive damage during a historic flooding event in fall of 2015.

Repairs to the trail and recreation area included repair of severe erosion channels, stream bank stabilization, repair or replacement of drainage systems, extensive regrading of trail tread and the installation of two new fiberglass foot bridges.

The repairs come after damage from 18 inches of rainfall in the area during a 10-day period last fall. Today, the trail in its entirety is reopen for recreational use. The moderate to strenuous 10.8 mile loop, with elevations ranging from 3,572 feet at Rocky Knob to 1,700 feet at the confluence of Rock Castle and Little Rock Castle Creeks, features opportunities for backcountry camping, fly fishing, viewing of waterfalls, and wildlife.


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