Pacific Crest Trail 2009 Part 16

With an unseen force pulling us forward, we strided towards Donner's Pass near Interstate 80.

Views of Lake Tahoe brought memories back of my teenage days when I used to come up to this basin from the Bay Area to go skiing every winter.  These were the mountains that I saw paradise within as well as with the Swiss Alps where extended family invited us into their homes.  Without knowing the mountains as an adolescent, it makes me wonder if I would have ever been attracted to this monumental trail.

We walked above ski resorts like Alpine Meadows and Squaw Valley where they once held the winter olympics.

Gigantic alpine fields of mule ears were blooming everywhere.

Being surrounded by birthing blossoms brings additional Joy to walking through Nature.

Moderate Summer Temperatures were beginning to settle in.  The mosquitoes were becoming less frequent.

Ahead one can see why the interstate and the railroad built their routes through this territory.

These were our last views of Lake Tahoe as we make our way to Donner's Pass.

This will be our last closest look at the snow fields of the Sierra's.  Soon we will be immersed in 80 to 100 degree temperatures.

The habitat is once again about to make a major change.

At Donner's Pass we borrowed a cell phone and called Pel-Mel and La-dee-da; two PCT Officials whom we met back at the Saufley's who were helping out with the hiker refugee camp for an entire week.  Pel Mel had invited us to visit her in Truckee at her mountain cabin where we had great conversations and perhaps the best home made meal of the entire trip.  It was just like Thanksgiving, and the Pacific Crest Trail truly provides many many thankful Moments.  Gratitude settles in and becomes a way of Life and Living.


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