Recreational Trails Program Awarded 30 Grants for Trails Projects in NC

North Carolina state officials recently announced the award of $3.1 million in grants through the federal Recreational Trails Program to 38 local governments in 35 North Carolina counties for trails projects.

The matching grants, recommended by the North Carolina Trails Committee, will help fund healthful recreation opportunities for hikers, cyclists, paddlers, equestrians and off-highway vehicle (OHV) users throughout the state and will promote natural resource tourism.

"North Carolina is known for its excellent trails throughout the state for a variety of trail enthusiasts," said Susan Kluttz, secretary of the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. "I am thrilled to continue to see this program grow and thrive."

The Recreational Trails Program is administered by the Division of Parks and Recreation of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, with Federal Highways Administration funding routed through the N.C. Division of Transportation. Since 1999, North Carolina has been awarded more than $28 million for sustainable trail projects. These grants, combined with in-kind services and matching funds, have resulted in more than $58 million applied to local trail and greenway projects.

Due to changes in the federal funding cycle, grant awards for two fiscal years were concurrent. For fiscal year 2015 funding, the program received 38 grant requests totaling $3.1 million, and the North Carolina Trails Committee recommended awards for 20 projects totaling $1.6 million. For fiscal year 2016 funding, the program received 61 grant requests totaling $4.9 million, and the trails committee recommended awards for 18 projects totaling $1.5 million.

Some of the local governments, agencies and trails groups receiving grants in the most recent cycle include:

• Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail, Neusiok Trail Relocation $15,708
• USDA Forest Servcie/Pisgah, Ivestor Gap/Graveyard Ridge, $100,000
• USDA Forest Service/Cheoah, Fontana Bike Trail, $100,000
• USDA Forest Service/Nantahala, Backwell Gap Horse Trail, $50,000
• SORBA/Pisgah, Big Laurel Connector, $55,440
• Appalachian Trail Conservancy, Overnight Site Hazard Mitigation, $90,000

To see the full list of grant recipients, please click here.


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