Smokies Fall Color Update

Great Smoky Mountains National Park updated their Fall Color Report yesterday afternoon. According to the latest report:

Fall color continues to progress in the high elevations of the park. Many high elevation areas (above 4,500') are near, to slightly past, peak this week. Areas around Newfound Gap are colorful now. There is still a significant amount of green at the higher elevations though, which means color will continue to develop over the next few days. Views along the first half of Clingmans Dome Road and in the higher reaches of Newfound Gap Road should be good though early next week.

Middle and low elevations are still predominantly green with a scattering of fall color here and there. But signs of change are becoming more noticeable. Some vibrant reds have developed on dogwoods, sourwoods, and a few maples. We're also starting to see a bit of yellow developing. The vivid red leaves of Virginia creeper vine are very noticeable climbing tree trunks now. Overall however, there's not a great deal of fall color in the lower elevations yet -- the season here is still two or three weeks away.
You can read the full report on the national park website.

If you need any help on where to hike this fall, please take a look at our fall hiking page.

And if you do plan to visit the Smokies this fall - or even during the upcoming Holiday Season - please take a few moments to check out our Accomodations Listings for a wide variety of lodging options in Gatlinburg, Townsend, Pigeon Forge and the North Carolina side of the Smokies.


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