Yahoo Falls Healthy Hike Scheduled For This Sunday

The Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area recently announced a one hour ranger-led interpretive hike to 113 foot tall Yahoo Falls on Sunday, June 21st. The public is invited to enjoy a hike with Ranger Karen Thompson starting from the Yahoo Falls parking area to learn more about the natural and geological features of Big South Fork, and to experience Yahoo Falls, a large rock cave and towering sandstone cliffs. This fun, fact-filled hike begins promptly at 11:00 a.m. (EDT) at the Yahoo Falls parking area located on Yahoo Falls Road off Highway 700 near Whitley City, Kentucky.

The park asks that you wear weather-appropriate clothing and footwear. The trail is considered to be moderately difficult because it does contain a long set of stairs. Everyone is welcome. For further directions or additional information, please call the Blue Heron Interpretive Center at (606) 376-3787.


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