Big South Fork Offers Ranger-led Wildflower Hike to Angel Falls

The Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area announces a two to three hour ranger-led interpretive hike about Big South Fork's local wildflowers, forest ecology, and geology. Participants will enjoy a hike from Leatherwood Ford gazebo to Angel Falls. Along the way, participants will learn more about the local wildflowers in bloom and the intricate details of forest ecology. Visitors will also get to enjoy the fascinating geological formations that can be seen along this trail. This ranger-led hike begins promptly at 9:00 a.m. (EDT) on Saturday, April 11, at the Leatherwood Ford gazebo.

This hike is free of charge and the trail is considered to be easy. Please wear weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable hiking footwear. Everyone is welcome including well-behaved dogs on leash. For directions or additional information, please call the Bandy Creek Visitor Center at (423) 286-7275.


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