MTJP: A Visually Stunning Journey Through Great Smoky Mountains National Park During Peak Fall Color

This just might be the best video of the Great Smoky Mountains I've ever seen. It was produced last fall by a small start-up known as "More Than Just Parks". This spectacular 4-minute film is the culmination of two weeks spent extensively filming some of the most incredible parts of Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

More Than Just Parks has set the goal of producing similar films for all 59 national parks. They hope that this will encourage folks to get out and have one-of-a-kind experiences of their own in our national parks! They also hope that these videos will help to build a greater awareness for all of the breathtaking natural wonders protected by our national park system.

MTJP | Smoky Mountains from More Than Just Parks on Vimeo.

For more information on the MTJP project, please click here .

If this video has inspired you to visit the Smokies this year, the best way to explore this wonderful park is to hike along one of the many trails that meander throughout the park. With over 850 miles of trails, the park is without a doubt a hikers paradise!

While making your plans, please note that our hiking website offers a wide variety of accommodation listings to help with your vacation planning.


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