Astronomy Program at Bandy Creek This Saturday

Paul Lewis from the University of Tennessee will be at Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area on Saturday, October 4, for one of the park's highly popular dark sky astronomy programs.

Starting at 9:00 p.m. (ET) on Saturday evening, Paul Lewis will describe which objects to look for in the night sky. The program will be held in the parking lot across from the Bandy Creek Visitor Center. Telescopes will be available for night sky observation when darkness descends upon the Cumberland Plateau. You may want to bring a blanket or chair for comfortable seating. There is no charge to attend these programs.

In the event of rain or inclement weather, the evening program will be moved indoors to the Interpretation and Education building next to the Bandy Creek Visitor Center. For directions or additional information, please call the Bandy Creek Visitor Center at (423) 286-7275.


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