Car Crash on Blue Ridge Parkway leads to Kidnapping Allegations

According to an NPS Morning Report posted yesterday, an 18-year-old North Carolina man was arrested Thursday evening, June 5th, in connection with a reported kidnapping earlier that day.

Early Thursday morning, June 5th, maintenance worker Paul Bryan alerted Blue Ridge Parkway rangers of an empty vehicle crashed off the road and on its side down a small embankment, near mile post 234 on the Parkway.

The responding ranger, David Hynes, found two people walking down the road a short distance from the crash scene. They said that they had crashed about 1 a.m. and had set up camp near the road about a quarter mile from the scene. One of them, a teenage girl, had an arm injury. Alleghany Rescue Squad responded to transfer her and the uninjured man to a hospital in Elkin, North Carolina. While at the hospital the girl reported that she had been kidnapped.

That evening, Steven Haynes, from Stokes County, North Carolina, was arrested at his home without incident on state charges of kidnapping, felonious restraint, assault by pointing a gun, and assault on a female. He is being held on $150,000 bail. The North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation and the FBI are leading a joint investigation.


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