Trail Days

Next weekend, on May 16th though May 18th, Damascus, Virginia will hold its annual Trail Days festival. Trail Days is the annual Woodstock for hikers. It’s the mother of all hiking gatherings. It’s a celebration of all things Appalachian Trail. And it all happens in tiny Damascus, also known as Trail Town, USA where the Appalachian Trail, the Virginia Creeper and the Iron Mountain Trail slice through the middle of town. Each year Damascus becomes the destination point for thousands of thru-hikers, veteran hikers and those who just love hiking and the Appalachian Trail. It's recognized as the largest trail event in the world, and many A.T. thru-hikers will time their hike in order to be in town in mid-May for the annual three day festival.

In honor of the biggest and best hiker festival in the world here's a short film, produced by Broadcast Your Adventure Films (part of, to give you an idea of what Trail Days is all about:

Trail Days Documentary from thebackpackertv on Vimeo.

Trail Days 2014 will happen on May 16-18 this year. For more information on the event, please click here .

I've never been to Trail Days, but I have been to Damascus a couple of times, and found it to be a very cool little town. I should also mention that the hike to Mt. Rogers , not far from town, is one of my all time favorite hikes.


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