Work on Chimney Tops Trail to Resume in May - Volunteers Needed

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Trails Forever program has announced on their website that trail rehabilitation work will once again resume on the Chimney Tops Trail this summer. The project will stabilize and improve conditions on the popular trail in order to protect resources and enhance the visitor's experience.

As a result, the Chimney Tops Trail will once again be closed on Mondays through Thursdays, from May 5th through October 16th, while this work is in progress. This will be the third season that crews have been trying to complete rehabilitation work on the trail. Last year work was delayed as a result of flooding rains in January, which washed-out the 70-foot footbridge that crosses Walker Camp Prong near the Chimney Tops Trailhead. The bridge and trail didn't reopen until July. The government shutdown in October also ended the work season a little shorter than expected.

The Trails Forever website also announced that volunteers will be needed to help with the five-month project.

Beginning on May 21st you can help by joining the work crew on Wednesdays throughout the season.

Volunteers will work to complete a variety of trail rehabilitation tasks. There will be a limit of the number of volunteers for each of the workdays and you must sign up in advance to volunteer. Once you sign up and secure a spot for one of the workdays you will receive more details. To sign up, please contact Christine Hoyer, the Trails and Facilities Volunteer Coordinator, by emailing her at .

For more information, please click here .


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