Temporary Road Closure on Blue Ridge Parkway North of Roanoke

Beginning Tuesday morning, February 18, 2014, and continuing for a two week period, Blue Ridge Parkway maintenance personnel will be conducting cutting operations along the roadside between Bearwallow Gap (at Virginia State Route 43 ) and the interchange of U.S. 460 and the Parkway. During the period, both lanes in this section of the Parkway will be closed to all activity (cars, bicycles, and hikers) to ensure the safety of the maintenance workers as well as Parkway visitors. The planned work will not affect travel along Route 43 at the Peaks of Otter south to Bearwallow Gap.

Annually, Blue Ridge Parkway maintenance and resource management staff conducts maintenance activities that help control invasive vegetation growth along the Parkway. To help insure safe sight distances and a clear right-of-way, this work requires using a large tractor with a cutting head on a long arm, or boom. This tractor must remain in the travel lanes during operation to properly perform its work while cutting the banks and road shoulders.

Affected sections will close at approximately 7:45 a.m. each weekday and re-open daily about 5:00 p.m EST on Tuesday, February 18 thru Thursday, February 27, 2014, between Mileposts 95 and 106. Those who normally commute on the Parkway on Monday through Friday may want find alternate routes. The affected area will be open on Saturday and Sunday, February 22 – 23, 2014.



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