Ecosystem Project Temporarily Closes Areas on Pisgah Ranger District

The U.S. Forest Service has closed trails and roads in the Trace Ridge Area and Wash Creek areas of Henderson County in the Pisgah Ranger District, Pisgah National Forest, to ensure public safety. The closures are necessary to implement the Brushy Ridge project , an ecosystem improve project that will provide a number of environmental benefits.

The following trails and roads are closed:

* Seniard Mountain Road (FS 5001)-closed for a short portion of time

* Hendersonville Reservoir Road (FS 142)

* Fletcher Creek Road (FS 5097), to intersection with Spencer Gap Trail (Trail 600)

* Wash Creek (Trail 606)

* Trace Ridge (Trail 354)

* North Mills River (Trail 353)

* Yellow Gap Trail (Trail 611)

Trace Ridge Trailhead will not be accessible and the use of the trails and roads is prohibited. Please use caution while traveling in the area, particularly Wash Creek Road as logging truck will be on the area roads. Seniard Mountain Road will be closed for a short period of time and reopened after minor road work occurs. There will be no access to the North Mills River within the closed areas listed above. Law enforcement will patrol the area where work will continue into May 2014.


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