Discover the West

Regular readers of this blog are likely aware that Kathy and I spent several weeks traveling to various national and state parks across the west coast last month. As a result of this trip, as well as a similar trip we took across the southwest last year, we’ve decided to launch a new hiking website. The new site encompasses all of the trails we’ve hiked during those two trips, as well as many of the hikes we’ve done throughout the Rocky Mountain states over the last several years.

This new website includes a wide range of hikes from places like Yosemite, Mt. Rainier, Zion, Bryce, Arches, Grand Canyon, and many of the other parks across the west. This site can be used as a tool to help you plan which trails you might like to tackle on an upcoming trip, or as a way of discovering new destinations for a trip down the road.

The link to the new site is:

Please feel free to provide any feedback that we could possibly use to improve the website.

Thank you very much!


Hiking in the Smokies

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