Sections of Greenbrier Road to be Closed for 10 Days

Great Smoky Mountains National Park officials will close sections of Greenbrier Road to vehicle and pedestrian traffic for road repairs from Wednesday, August 14 through Friday, August 23.

* Beginning Wednesday, August 14 through Sunday, August 18, the road will be closed just past the intersection with the road to Ramsey Cascades Trailhead. This will impact access to the Porters Creek Trail and the Brushy Mountain Trail .

* Beginning Monday, August 19, the road will be closed at the Greenbrier Ranger Station through the duration of the project ending on Friday, August 23.In addition to the two trails mentioned above, the Ramsey Cascades Trail and the Grapeyard Ridge Trail will be impacted during this phase of the repair work.

The roadway suffered significant damage following a flood event last winter when the road was completely washed out exposing underlying rock and damaging culverts. Park crews made temporary repairs this winter and will now complete the long-term solution by installing a bottomless box culvert, three circular culverts, re-grading the roadway, and adding new gravel. The bottomless box culvert design increases water handling capacity, provides unimpeded water flow, and aids fish passage.

“Greenbrier Road provides access to several popular hiking trails, backcountry campsites, picnic areas, and scenic river views. We regret the inconvenience of the closure, but believe that these repairs will help prevent flooding of the road in the future,” said Park Facility Management Chief Alan Sumeriski.

Heavy equipment will be utilized during the repair work including gravel trucks, graders, and excavators. In order to safely and efficiently accomplish the needed work, the affected road sections will be closed to pedestrians as well as vehicle and bicycle traffic throughout the duration of the project.

In addition, the Greenbrier picnic area and picnic pavilion will be closed throughout the closure along with backcountry campsite #31. Access to backcountry campsite #32 will be from Roaring Fork Road and access to campsite #33 will be from Maddron Bald Trail. For more information about closures, please call the Road and Weather Information Line at 865-436-1200.


Hiking in the Smokies

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