Civil War Music with Sparky and Rhonda Rucker at Sugarlands Visitor Center

Great Smoky Mountains National Park has announced a free special music program featuring old-time musicians Sparky and Rhonda Rucker. The event will take place at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Saturday, July 20th in the park Sugarlands Visitor Center theater.

The program will focus on the Civil War and its impacts on the Southern Appalachian Region, and will include stories, period music, and personal reflections on the war and its effects on the mountain people.

Sparky and Rhonda have performed throughout the United States, singing songs and telling stories. Sparky Rucker has been performing over 40 years and is internationally recognized as a leading folklorist, musician, historian, storyteller, and author. Rhonda Rucker is an accomplished harmonica and piano player, and also adds vocal harmonies to their songs.

“We’re excited to have Sparky and Rhonda return to Sugarlands this summer,” said supervisory ranger Kent Cave. “As we continue to commemorate the Civil War’s sesquicentennial, this performance will be an entertaining and interesting way to learn more about the unique history of the war in these mountains.”

Sugarlands Visitor Center is located on U.S. Highway 441, two miles south of Gatlinburg, TN. For more information call the visitor center at (865) 436-1291.


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