Guided Hike to a Big South Fork Rock Shelter on Saturday, June 22

A ranger guided hike to a rock shelter along the Oscar Blevins Trail will take place on Saturday, June 22nd, near the Bandy Creek Visitor Center in Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area. On this moderate two mile hike, visitors will learn about plants and animals in the park, hear about park history, and will be able to view rock shelters along the trail.

The hike will begin at 10:00 a.m. (EDT) on the front porch of the Bandy Creek Visitor Center. In case of inclement weather, a talk will be held in the Interpretation and Education Building located beside the Visitor Center.

Everyone is welcome. For more information, please call the Bandy Creek Visitor Center at (423) 286-7275.


Hiking in the Smokies

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