Yahoo Falls Wildflower Hike Set For Saturday, March 30th

The Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area and Daniel Boone National Forest are pleased to announce a cooperative wildflower hike at Yahoo Falls on Saturday, March 30, beginning at 10:00 a.m. and ending at approximately 12:30 p.m. Eastern time. The Yahoo Falls area provides a stunning variety of spring flowers on a short, moderate hiking trail. In addition to wildflowers, spectacular scenery is provided by 113 foot tall Yahoo Falls, towering sandstone cliffs, a huge rock shelter, and an outstanding overlook of the Big South Fork River. The hike will be led by National Park Service and U. S. Forest Service Rangers and local volunteers. The Yahoo Falls picnic area is accessed from Highway 700, west of Whitley City, Kentucky.

The Yahoo Falls site was originally developed by the U.S. Forest Service in the mid-1960s when the area was known as the Cumberland National Forest. The forest was renamed the Daniel Boone National Forest in 1968. The land was transferred to the National Park Service for inclusion in the Big South Fork NRRA in 1987. The National Park Service and the U.S. Forest Service share a long history of cooperation in providing opportunities for the citizens of our nation to learn about and enjoy the resources held in trust for the American people by the two agencies.

For further information, contact Big South Fork's Bandy Creek Visitor Center at (423) 286-7275.


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