Sweet Virginia Breeze

Sweet Virginia Breeze

by Robbin Thompson and Steve Bassett

Woke up this morning the breeze blowin' cross my face

And I just had to look up above and thank somebody for this place

Because He must've been thinkin' bout me

When he planted that very first dogwood tree

It's where I want to be

Livin' in the Sweet Virginia Breeze

Take me out to the country it feels mighty good out there

When I get back to the city of the monuments

It doesn't matter where I hang my hat it's home to me

The Blue Ridge Mountains tend to set me free

It's where I want to be

Livin' in the Sweet Virginia Breeze

Wakes me up in the mornin'

Rocks me to sleep at night

I've got a red bird singin' on my window sill

I know everything will be all right

Livin' in the Sweet Virginia Breeze

Just sittin on my back porch

I'm just watchin' the sun come up

Sweet sweet Virginia Breeze blowin' ripples 'cross my coffee cup

Because he must've been thinkin' bout me when he planted that very first dogwood tree

cause when that breeze comes blowin' through the trees

you know everything will be alright

Livin' in a Sweet Virginia Breeze

Sweet Virginia Breeze

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