août 2014
How Wolves Changed Rivers in Yellowstone National Park
This short video presents a very interesting look at how wolves changed the environment, in particular the rivers of Yellowstone National Pa...
Lixus albomarginatus, Le lixe à marge blanche
Le Lixe à marge blanche, Lixus albomarginatus, est un petit Coléoptère d'environ 1 cm appartenant à la famille des Curculionidae. Lixe à...
Volunteers Needed for Big South Fork National Public Lands Day
Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area will be celebrating National Public Lands Day on Saturday, September 27, 2014. National Pu...
Camponotus vagus, le Camponote vagabond
Le Camponote vagabond, Camponotus vagus, appartenant à l'ordre des Hyménoptères , est une grosse Fourmi de nos contrées dont la taille o...
One Man's Perspective on Solitude and Wilderness
Every couple of months 68-year-old Ed Zevely rides into the Colorado high country to camp for weeks at a time, and does it completely alone....
Cupido minimus, l'Argus frêle
L'Argus frêle, Cupido minimus, est le plus petit Papillon de France avec une envergure ne dépassant pas 2 cm. Ce minuscule Lycène est as...
Big South Fork Offers Guided Hikes at Historic Rugby
Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area rangers invite everyone to join them on two very enjoyable walks in the park adjoining His...
Facebook, night-times and Iceland volcanoes
With nearly a hundred thousand page views I’m very excited about how much of a success this blog appears to be. To date I’ve even earned nea...
Lassie Makes a Comeback
Pal, the proto-Lassie, in 1942 (Wikipedia). Entertainment-industry dog news is outside the remit of this blog, except that I recently ment...
Meloe proscarabeus, le Méloé printanier
Le Méloé printanier, Meloe proscarabeus, est un Coléoptère au corps mou plutôt original tant par sa forme et sa couleur noir bleuâtre que pa...
Townsend Fall Heritage Festival and Old Timers Day
Next month is the 22nd Annual Townsend Fall Heritage Festival and Old Timers Day event. Highlights for this year's festival include blue...
Blog Stew, Listed with Sotheby's
¶ Want to buy a southern Colorado ghost town? It has been mostly restored , and it is a National Historic District too. Listed with Sotheby...
Seratella ignita
Serratella ignita est sans doute l'Ephémère pourvue de deux cerques, parfois trois, la plus connue des pêcheurs à la ligne qui s'en ...
Time to Make Plans for Your Fall Hiking trip to the Smokies
For anyone considering a trip to see the beautiful fall colors of the Great Smoky Mountains, now is the time to make plans and have your re...
Youth Conservation Corps Completes Trail Work in Big South Fork
Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area announced yesterday that high school students from Tennessee and Kentucky have recently co...
Programming Note: Friends Across the Mountains Telethon is Thursday Night
This Thursday, August 14th, is the 20th annual Friends Across the Mountains Telethon. The event will be broadcast on WBIR-TV Channel 10 in K...
Sheep Mountain Wearing a Hat
Sheet Mountain in western Huerfano County under an uncommon cap of cloud, post-thunderstorm. It and its neighbor, Little Sheep Mountain, a...
Episyrphus balteaus, le Syrphe ceinturé
Le Syrphe ceinturé, Episyrphus balteatus, est une petite mouche d'environ 1 cm dont la robe imite à merveille, comme bon nombre de ses c...
Platystoma seminationis
De petite taille, environ 5 mm, Platystoma seminationis n'est pas franchement une beauté mais pas non plus un laideron pour qui s'in...
TN Governor Awards $1.2 Million in Recreational Trails Program Grants
Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam and Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Commissioner Bob Martineau announced over $1.2 million i...
Anthidium sp.
Difficile d'aller plus loin que le genre dans l'identification de cet Anthidium sp. appartenant à la famille des Megachilidae, une a...
Smokey is 70, How Old is Lassie?
A week ago we stopped in at "the lodge," the first time in years. Despite the merely average food (heavy on burgers and burritos...
Happy Birthday Smokey Bear!
Tomorrow marks the 70th birthday of one of the most recognizable characters in American history. On August 9, 1944, the Cooperative Forest F...
Coenagrion puella, l'Agrion jouvencelle
L'Agrion jouvencelle (Coenagrion puella) est sans doute l'une des plus répandues de nos demoiselles. Reconnaissable au dessin noir e...
Leave Your Firewood at Home!
Great Smoky Mountains National Park is asking all visitors to leave their firewood at home. Here's why: Jeff
"Where the Arkansas Begins"
Our watershed has a song! Performance by Devin James Fry for the bees in Austin, Texas. Tip of the big-brimmed hat to Kenny Paul at Pour H...
Nantahala Outdoor Center To Host 2014 Whitewater Junior Olympics
Whitewater paddlers ages 18 and under will converge on the Nantahala River for three exciting days of paddling and racing August 9 – 11. Hos...
Walking in the Wets
I apologize to everyone whose email I did not answer or whose editing job I am behind schedule on, but yesterday despite (because of?) the...
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